Two thousand years ago, Patanjali, the Hindu philosopher and Sanskrit writer of the Yoga sutras, taught that a ‘non-local universal mind’ was accessible as a sort of ‘library of information'( Like a huge hard drive storing files) —called the Akashic records—and it imprints all the information in the world, past and present.  It even contains information about the future.

Leading edge science now shows us this ‘library of information’ is real!

For example, Professor Ervin Laszlo, esteemed philosopher and one of the fathers of systems theory, writes in his best-selling book Science and the Akashic Field,

(take a breath in and think about this;)

‘Recent discoveries in physics show this Akashic field is real. This field consists of a sea of fluctuating energies and information from which all things arise, from atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings and even consciousness. This field is a memory bank of the entire universe from day one to now. It holds the record of all that ever happened on earth and in the cosmos and relates it to all that is yet to happen.’

Laszlo’s ‘A-field’, as he calls it, is not some metaphysical or spiritual mind field, but a real field predicted by quantum theory called the zero-point field.

magnet filings

The Bottom line:

Just like the field of a magnet shapes iron filings without any physical contact, your daily repetitive thoughts and feelings are broadcast as your personal energy signature shaping and influencing the energy and information field that is creating your life!


A Self Experiment:

Change your subconscious autopilot limiting beliefs, negative thinking and emotional reactions. 

Then pay close attention;

Does your ‘outside life’ change for the better?

Do new positive circumstances happen that seem more than a coincidence?

Do you have new ideas and meet new people?

Do you feel like you are more in flow going in the right direction?

Based on my own experience and feedback from my clients (over 5000 1:1 sessions)

I can tell you that 100% this is (at least) what will happen.

When you do some changes at the subconscious level whilst at the same time remaining very conscious and present to what is happening, you will see your inner world reflects your outer world!

This is a game changer, try it for yourself…