Your mind connects you to everyone, anywhere, all of the time! This is an energetic connection.We cannot see this connection but we can measure it. This energetic connection is the strongest with the people we have an emotional bond with like our friends and family. 

Check this groundbreaking belief busting experiment…

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Two people who are ’emotionally bonded’ ( like two friends or a man and wife) are put in separate rooms that are shielded from any electromagnetic energy, are sound-proofed and are otherwise protected from any kind of known force, field or signal.

Both are hooked up to brain-monitoring equipment, such that they can be continually monitored individually.

A light is flashed randomly in the eyes of one of the subjects, which causes effects in his brain. The equipment measures the expected changes in the visual area and other areas of his brain when it is stimulated by the light flashing. Nothing is out of the ordinary here.


What is astounding, however, is that the brain monitoring equipment for the other subject picks up exactly the same brain stimulation at the time of the light flashing, even though no light is flashing in her eyes.

Somehow, what happens to one of the pair affects the physical system of the other, even though they are far apart in separate rooms that are both shielded against signal penetration.

You, too, may have experienced the phenomenon of entangled minds, a phenomenon that in popular terms is called a ‘psychic connection’. You may have thought of someone you haven’t seen or heard from for a long time, only to run into or receive a phone call from that person. Or you may have a particular friend or a spouse with whom you find yourself ‘on the same wavelength’. You two may complete each other’s sentences, or find you are thinking of the same subject, and so on. If we heighten our awareness, we will find that we all experience these kinds of  synchronicities.

This is known as entanglement, non locality or mind to mind connection.

It reminds me of the magical words of Master Yoda, from the Star Wars movie, when he says,

“For my ally is the force, Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. -You must feel the force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere—yes…”